English Ballad Singing

Date: Saturday 1st February 2025.
Location: Newport National School.
Registration: 2.45pm
Workshop: 3pm - 4pm.

Charlie Keating

I was always interested in folk songs even at a very young age. As a young boy I was quite inquisitive and would always listen to the old folks telling stories and singing songs about bygone days. Most of the songs come from around the Clew Bay area the ancient region called Umhall. But saying that I would have quite a number of Mayo songs in general. Mostly about tragedies and some comical songs, some old and others of a more recent vintage. I've been quite fortunate down through the years that I have gotten a lot of songs from the previous generation's all now gone to God. People are very good and still come to me with songs which I do greatly appreciate. We must keep the flag flying and preserve our oral tradition. Slan agus beannacht.